
*riccicutie's world*
:::notes, thoughts, adventures, attempts, photos, escapades, make-believes, realities, all me:::

tuesday morning

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A rose dreamed day and night about having the company of the bees, but none ever came to land on her petals.

But the flower went on dreaming: during many a long night she imagined a sky with lots of bees flying towards her and kissing her tenderly. In this way she managed to resist to the next day, when she opened again to the sunlight.

One night the moon, knowing how lonely the rose felt, asked her:

- Aren’t you tired of waiting?

- Perhaps. But I have to struggle on.

- Why?

- Because if I don’t open up, I will wither.

At moments when loneliness seems to crush all beauty, the only way to resist is to keep yourself open.

i haven't posted much from the past weeks. i am actively posting photos in my multiply [www.riccicutie.multiply.com] account, though. let the photos do the talking in the meantime.

10:07 AM :: 0 comments ::
